

Well, all of Connor's issues can be explained by the fact that he was developing a double ear infection and two teeth were popping through. He did not sleep at all on Tuesday night. He was up every 20-40 minutes and what rest he did get was in our arms. We were exhausted and I took Wednesday off to be with him. I got him into the doctors and it was a double ear infection. Added on top of that are the two teeth that are trying really hard to break through and he has a cold. No wonder the poor guy couldn't sleep!!!

He's been in quite a bit of pain and we are not shy about using Tylenol. It helps. He makes it very clear when he's hurting and about 40 minutes after giving him Tylenol, he feels better. We rub his gums as well, but he's not a huge fan. Being a breast fed baby, he wants to suckle everything.

We decided to go with a round of anitbiotics for his ears, because honestly, we didn't have the few days to wait it out and see if it would clear up on his own. We can't go without sleep.

Two days later, he's like a new boy. Our smiler is back. He's still not sleeping great, but that is becasue the Tylenol wears off. He doesn't seem to deal very well with pain...but then, what baby does?

Bailey finally went pee on the potty at home!!!!! We've been working on it for a couple of months now, and she finally did it! She's asked a number of times to sit and we, of course, allow it. She hasn't made any progress up until last night. Now the real potty training begins. We'll have to start being diligent about it. I'm thinking of pulling out the stop watch and taking her to the potty every 45 minutes or so. M&M's for every time she goes. I'm hoping to have her potty trained by the end of the summer...

That's all for now. I'm hoping that Kelly and I will make it out to see Harry Potter this weekend. We were going to wait until next weekend, and we still may, but I'm super anxious to see the movie. So I'm hoping to convince her to do it this weekend...we got another babysitter from Bailey's school. It makes me feel SOOOO comfortable knowing she's with her teachers when we leave her.

That's all for now!

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