
She and He

She is going through a terrible, terrible phase. Everything is said in a whine. Everything that is not said in a whine is said in a demand, usually accompanied by the thrusting of her hand (as if she is hitting us). She is hard to keep happy. She isn't eating very well and would rather have popcycles and pieces of cheese than just about anything. She refuses to move foward with potty training. She is obsessed with "creams" of all kinds for any kind of wound, bug bite or diaper rash. She is all about me and is downright mean to Kelly. She loves and hates Connor in equal proportions. She is ridiculously obsessed with Barney in a way that makes me want to cry.

He is either in a growth spurt or is changing his eating habits, because one day he is fine and the next day he eats like a demon. We don't know if we should start cereal or not and the one time we tried, he vomited it all up. Speaking of vomit - he does it often, and generally on me. It's gross and even more disgusting that I walk around all night with vomit on my clothes. He rolls over, but then forgets that he can roll back, so he fusses until someone comes to pick him up. Speaking of picking him up - he generally won't be left alone right now. 100% interaction is what he wants. He's sleeping like shit - either because of the growth spurt or because of the rolling issue, we're not sure. He's up a lot at night and then gets up super early in the morning. This morning it was 3 AM. He seems to sleep alright in his swing. Downstairs. Leaving one of us (generally me) sleeping on the couch. When he is in a good mood, he's all about grabbing, drooling and thrusting about, making it hard and drippy to hold him. And he's big, so wearing him in the front carrier, while always a good option, hurts like a bitch.

We are tired, grumpy, sick of children and both of us are slammed at work. It's summer and everyone else is moving slower or on vacation. We're working harder and exhausted. We want a break and can't have one. We'd love to just ditch the kids with someone for a day, but working parent guilt prevents us from doing that and feeling okay about it. We are finally rediscovering each other after a long, long pregnancy and Connor's first months, but we're too tired to really do it. Kelly is struggling with worry over her milk supply and we want to keep Connor breast fed only until he's 6 months. We don't know if it'll happen.

And there is always fucking dishes, cat litter to be scooped, laundry to be done, toys to be picked up, breakfast and dinner to be made, diapers to be changed, endless spills to be wiped up and never, ever enough fucking time.


Stacey said...

omg we soooo know how you feel. we want a break too!!!

Karen B Prosser said...

My God, girlfriends, you two really, really need a break. If one of your friends was in such a place, wouldn't you take a kid or two for a day to help out? Yes, you would.

Ask someone to take the kids, if only for a couple of hours, and get out together and have a break. Nothing can happen that is as awful as the way you two are feeling. You are doing all the right things, you also need to take care of yourselves.
