
Hot and Cold

The Hot:

- Today is Kelly's 34th birthday. We celebrated this morning with homemade waffles and presents.
- Today is St. Patty's day and we celebrated by adding green food coloring to the waffle mix and enjoying green waffles.
- I went to my office for lunch today, and had a truly wonderful time showing Connor off and enjoying the time with the people who I work for and who are my friends.
- Today was day two of not fighting back with Bailey and the second night of not fighting the entire evening (more on that at a later post).
- My boss approved my new schedule of 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM every day upon my return to the office.

The Cold:
- Kelly had baby blues pretty bad, making her incredibly indifferent and non-responsive when she is not crying or feeling bad. This sucks for her mostly and for the rest of us too. Mostly for her. And that makes me feel really bad.
- The disinterest made my $200 camcorder birthday gift fall flat and dull and I'm returning it tomorrow. That is too much money to spend on something she doesn't really want.
- I'm tired and suffering from a bit of PTSD in response to Kelly's baby blues. That kind of mood spirals me back to my experience and it's really hard.

Blah. Fuck it. I'll write more later.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Have you and Kelly talked about either seeing a therapist (alone or together) or getting on a mild anti-depressant? One or both might help you two get through the tough patch.

Hang in there, if there's anything I can do, don't be afraid to ask (sadly being in a different state limits what I can do, but still...)