
The One You Don't Invite Back

Yesterday, Kelly and I made the mistake of thinking that it might be acceptable to go out and visit some friends, have some adult time, show off Connor and meet our dear frend's new little baby, all while having the joy of hanging out with our other dear friends M&S and their son.

We thought that would be okay...but alas...Bailey had other plans.

Bailey was the epitome of THAT kid. You know, the one that runs all over the place like a crazy person, who destroys whatever comes in her path, who fights at every opportunity, who ignores what you say and generally creates craziness and insanity where ever she goes. Yea. She was THAT kid.

The one you don't invite back.

It sucked. It was embarrassing. It made us feel like rotten parents and led to an entire late-night conversation about what we were doing wrong and how we can be a better parent to our high spirited, fucking insane child. And you know, anything that causes us to stay awake when Connor is sleeping MUST be important.

This morning, she woke up at 6:30 and by 7:45 when I dropped her off at daycare, there were 14 open acts of defiance, including throwing herself to the rain-soaked ground and screaming and kicking when I tried to put her in the car.

I'm at the end of my rope with her, and trying like hell to hold on. The fact that she is not even two yet makes me die a little inside.

So, M&S and I&A, we're sorry that our terror reeked havoc on your lives for a couple of hours yesterday. And while I fully expect that, in your good friendness, you will tell us that it doesn't matter and that she was fine, we know differently. Thanks for putting up with her insanity and next time, we'll bring the straight jacket. If you invite us back.


MaverickMama said...

There are some books out on parenting high spirited children. I think there is even a support group for parents of high spirited children in my area. Might be worth looking into. Some of my best parenting tips come from other parents going through the same stage.
A tip from Bleu was that little children want big responses/attention. The worst deterrent for them is not getting a big reaction. I was reminded of this recently and it really is true.
Finally I recently found it really helpful to talk to a non interested party who does not know me personally. I told some scenarios that have been happening in my home, and she gave me some practical advice to move my tiny family firmly back to center.
Hang in there. Between 18 months and 5 years is when the real core of parenting instruction happens. You are not alone.

Susanica said...

Aw Mikki. In know you feel like everthing was awful but it wasn't. Yes, Bailey is spirited and delights in pushing boundaries (and news for you, Danny has been really testing us too) but in addition to all those things Bailey also did some very kind things yesterday. I think it's probably hard to remember the times she shared and played well because she acted defiant at other times. Anyway, it was great to see you guys. Don't think for a second otherwise. -Monica