
24 Days...and Pissy Moods

The countdown says 24 days...but with our promised induction if we go to 39 weeks, we are really only 19 or 20 days (depending on if they induce on 22nd or 23rd). That's not so bad. It still feels like forever, but I think we're hanging in there. Kelly is not sleeping very much these days. We'd like to talk to her body and explain that while she has never birthed a child, she already has one...so there is no need for the biological function of sleepless night before birth to prepare for the sleepless nights after birth.

Poor girl. She's tired. Very, very tired.

Bailey is doing well. Yesterday marked her first day in the 2-year old room full time. She has adjusted beautifully, but is struggling a bit with the set nap time. In the toddler room, they always went to bed right after lunch and then the kids slept as long as they wanted to. In her new room, they wake them up at 2:30 PM. Bailey doesn't like to be woken up, her teacher reports.

She had potty time 3 times yesterday at school. She is now wearing pull ups exclusively, except at bedtime. Since she is still in her crib and she can't open her door yet, the potty at night is still her diaper. She also sat on the potty twice at home last night. So far, she has never actually gone on the potty...but she is very happy to sit there. She is especially happy to be able to have a "paper towel" (her name for toilet paper) and be able to wipe herself. She gets very excited about this.

We have an Elmo Potty Time video that she is in love with. We have given in to the DVD Gods and let her watch some of her videos while we prepare dinner every night. On the flip side, she is eating better and we all eat together as a family...so that is a trade off, right? I digress.

She loves her Elmo Potty Time video and last night she decided that her Elmo needed to sit on the potty. It was very cute. She tells him what to do and then gets frustrated with him when he can't "sit up" on his own. I have to work hard not to laugh at her.

We've got low expectations for now. She is 21 months old. If she is potty trained by the time she is 27 months, we'll be happy. With the "peer pressure" at school, it will happen quickly.

We also got schooled by her new teacher. Apparently Bailey always spills her cup at lunch. They don't use sippy cups at school. We've been, admittedly, lazy regarding the cup. It's just been easier to not let her spill it. But we were scolded by her teacher and now it's time to suck it up and clean it up if it spills. Last night at dinner, she has a cup...and didn't spill.

The other thing that her teacher would like for her to stop using is her pacifier when she's sleeping. While I understand that this is probably the next step, we put our foot down about this. Bailey is going through a zillion changes right now - potty training, new room at daycare, and the biggest of all...and new brother. We are not taking away her bobo, which is a HUGE source of comfort to her, for a while. She only has it when she is falling asleep. I'm just not concerned yet. Maybe in another 6 months, we'll force the issue. But not now.

Yesterday also marked the first day of dance class for Bailey. There is a great instructor who comes into the daycare and does a class for the 2-year old room. Bailey's first day was yesterday. The instructor sent videos of the class and it seems that Bailey had a fantastic time. For $25 a class, she had better! It's so much money to be spending on a kid who isn't even 2 yet...but we decided that she loves dancing and music so much that we would let her. If she has a great time, we'll keep it up. If we can afford it.

One more thing about Bailey - she is a comedian. Last night, I needed to cut Bailey's finger nails. She hates this process and just cried and cried and threw a fit and then cried some more and then finally complied. While she was sitting there complying, she was sobbing and trying to pull her hands away. It took 20 minutes longer than it needed to. I was very patient, though...because she obviously didn't want it done. So when I finally finished, I stood her up and started the process of calming her down. I was sitting on the floor with her while she was crying and being a drama queen. I was quietly asking her what she needed. "Bailey, honey, calm down, use your words and tell me what you need." After about 3 minutes of this, she kind of stopped crying hysterically and then said in her best full-blown whine, "I need cake".

LOL - my response was to laugh and in my head I'm thinking, "Oh honey...don't we all."

So, initially I was going to write about my pissy mood. I've been in one since I woke up. But that story just made me laugh again, so maybe it's not such a bad day after all.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

love the needing cake story.

wow, they have a lot of guidelines and riley who is 2 in just 2 weeks doesn't even do those things. i mean, we still use sippy cups (half the time she's flipping her cups upside down) and so does her daycare. we also still have the soother but only for sleep time. we just got her sleeping through the night so i don't want to take it away yet. i figure after the baby arrives.

and potty training isn't happening here yet either. she shows no interest. we plan on working on it after the baby is here. the only thing we can get her to do is poop on the potty sometimes because we get enough warning for that.