
22 Days

Not much to say today. Not much has changed since yesterday. Still swamped at work, still waiting for Connor to be born, still the same pre-labor signs with nothing else.

Tomorrow is the internal check. That will hopefully give us some new information. If not, we're 2 weeks an a couple days away from induction.

Friday is going to kick my ass. Kelly's appointment in the morning, my annual exam with the same doctor right after, a physical with blood work at noon (I have to get a letter of good health from my family doctor for the adoption file), a standard get-more-meds meeting with my psychiatrist (have I mentioned that I'm on meds?...hmmm...may have forgotten to mention that), and then a trip to Children's Hospital to have the infant car seat installed in the Honda. We tried so hard to do it ourselves (we've done it now many times with Bailey's seat) but couldn't get it right. So off I go.

It'll be a full day...but at least I won't be at work.

I'll blog tomorrow night with news about the internal exam (hers, not mine...LOL!).

Happy Thursday.

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