
21 Days

The Friday appointment went well...everything is right on track. Kelly's cervix is a "tight one" and soft. Connor is still at a -1 station. In other words...it's going to be a while.

Interestingly, her weekly sono showed a slightly elevated amount of amniotic fluid. Our doctor told us that this could be because of any number of things and that it really isn't a big deal. The "acceptable" scale tops out at 20 and Kelly's fluid measured 20.6...so right there. There is nothing for concern, but if the ultrasound finds that her fluid has increased on Tuesday, they will do the induction.

Increased fluid can be from something as simple as the baby just recently urinated, or it can be from something as horrible as Connor not being able to swallow. Of course, since this is the first time this has shown up as a potential "something to watch", it really isn't all that concerning. We'll see what is going on when we have the ultrasound on Tuesday.

Other than that, we continue to wait.

1 comment:

Karen B Prosser said...

Mikki and Kelly,
We were so hoping that you would blog from the birthing center. Oh well.
It sounds all good, so we should all settle down and enjoy the ride--which I'm sure Kelly is not.

Have a great weekend.
