
Quiet New Year

As good as my intentions were to stay up and ring in the New Year this year, I just didn't make it. Kelly and I ended up on the couch, snuggled under a couple of very warm blankets. As we sat there, watching a Travel Channel show about Disney Cruises and holding each other, we both drifted off. We woke about an hour later and realized that we were going to bed. At 10:30, we were upstairs and tucked in tight.

But, it was lovely to fall asleep in my love's arms, so I'm not even a little disappointed.

Today we are 32 weeks pregnant and we are definately antsy and ready for Connor to make his grand arrival. Of course, we hope for a healthy baby and healthy often means a full-term child...so we'll wait. But we're ready.

We made our super-short list this weekend of things we needed to get before he comes. We now have a second baby monitor (he'll be in our room, she'll be in hers...and we need to monitor both). We have bottle liners and nipples for the playtex bottles we'll be using. We have one small can of formula, in case Kelly decides not to breastfeed. We have a soft, organic blanket similar to the one that Bailey has grown to love so much. We have a crib soother that plays music and provides some visual appeal for him. And, we treated ourselves and purchased him his own crib set - a comforter, bumper and dust ruffle. It's very boy (something we would have been completely against with Bailey...but we've grown up now) and very, very cute. When the time for transition happens, the crib will be "his". The only thing left to buy is the stroller. We are going to get one of those sit/stand strollers with a seat for him and a seat or standing pad for her. We are going to wait on that for a while, though. No need yet...

We made our list of things that need to get done as well. It's long, but managable. We feel so much more prepared this time to bring a child into our world. It feels like we are simply making room, rather than completely rearranging. And what a lovely, lovely feeling that is. It comes with very little baggage or worry. We've got this one.

We had our 32 week doctor appointment this morning. Everything is fine - Kelly is up 4 more pounds (for a total of 34). The only excitement came when Dr. Jones measured Kelly's belly. She seemed a bit taken aback and commented that Kelly was measuring very close to 34 centimeters. The number of centimeters should align closely with the number of weeks pregnant. So, she is measuring very close to 2 weeks larger than she "should" be. This is within normal, but at this point in the game, Connor should not be getting that big, that quickly. Of course, it's not a problem...just something to watch out for. She said that if 2 weeks from now, she was still measuring big, they would want for her to get a sizing ultrasound.

Just another holding pattern...

Kelly is feeling every bit a very pregnant woman. To make it worse, the cold that plagued her over Christmas reared it's ugly head again and she is home sick today. The poor girl is a mess! She feels awful and just needs some down time. She'll spend today sleeping and I'll pick up Bailey. It's never enough (you can never get enough sleep pregnant)...but hopefully it'll help.

Happy New Year, everyone!

1 comment:

Karen B Prosser said...

You know I have long said that Connor is going to be a whopper. At this point, it sounds like he is a double whopper!
I'm so impressed with all of your planning for baby 2. What a great family you are.
I also was totally awed by your resolutions. It made me get in there and do a couple.
Give Kelly a love for me and tell her to enjoy these weeks. As hard as they are, it is still easier than after that little one is born.
Love and cheers,
Karen P