
27 Days...and less

Friday's appointment didn't go so well. Kelly's blood pressure is back up where it was when they first put us on bedrest. This doesn't really change anything, but it's not really what we want to see. Kelly's cervix is softening, but still long and completely closed. Connor is at a -1 station, which is still quite high.

At 36 weeks, that is to be expected. She is right on track.

But the blood pressure, the headaches that come and go and the swelling are all signs that this part of pregnancy is not great for her. So far, no urine spill over and so we stay pregnant.

Our doctor told us that they would not let us go past 39 weeks. If we go in for our 39 week appointment on February 20th and are still pregnant, they will induce. Of course, if anything changes between now and then (either in a good, ohmigod, here comes Connor way or in a shit, your blood pressure spiked kind of way), they will induce him sooner.

Still no talk of a c-section. Which is good.

Kelly is contracting regularly - her braxton hicks are coming about every 10 minutes and have been consitently. She is not having real contractions 5-10 times a day, depending on the day and how active she is. They are very short and very irregular and are (obviously) not yet having an effect. But still. That is kind of cool.

We won't go into her emotional state right now...but suffice to say, she's all done with being pregnant. ALL DONE.

I have a lot of thoughts in my head - there is a lot I want to post. Right now, Bailey is sleeping for the night and Kelly is taking a bath. I'm not really feeling like being deep or thoughtful. I'm just tired today.

Maybe tomorrow.

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