
29 Days and Potty Training

We're in the 20's! It is so close, and yet so far away. Nothing new to report. We wait.

And while we wait, potty training has begun in earnest in the McFadden house. Bailey officially moves into the 2-year old room at school on Monday. During this week of "transition" she has spent nearly all day, every day in the room. She is SOOOO much happier. We have had some recent shifts, with all of her friends moving up to the 2 year old room before she did. That was because she was moved into the toddler room early, from the infant room. She's always been moved about 3 months before she was "supposed" to. We had to fight a bit to get her moved, but in the end we won the battle. Let's face it, with the new wave of young toddlers just moved into the toddler room when the older ones were moved to the twos room, she was running LAPS around the young kids. Not only does she dwarf them in size, but seriously, she was bored. She needs to be stimulated and learning. In the two room, they have a curriculum and all kinds of stuff. And in just the three days that she has spent in the room, her attitude about school has completely changed. She is super-excited to be there again.

AND...now we can start potty training. They have a regular bathroom time in the twos. Bailey will begin wearing pullups tonight, exclusively. She already tells us when she needs to go pee and sits on the potty happily. So far, she has never actually gone potty on the toilet, but she's getting there. Last night she peed on the floor 3 times. No worries, though, it was her first night without a diaper in the evening. It was frustrating for us, but we worked hard not to let her know it. She's ready and we're ready to work with her.

I'll keep you posted.

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