
Domestic Bliss

This morning, I was up at 4 AM. I made two pans of brownies (they were the ready-made kind, though), one pan of cookies (again...ready made), two pies (fully from scratch), and two loafs of banana bread (from scratch). After cleaning the kitchen for the last time and getting all the dishes washed, I took a look around.

The family room was sparkling...with Bailey's toy's piled neatly. The mantle was shining with Christmas lights and garland. The cards were hung along the columns. The Christmas tree was lit and looking so festive with all the packages surrounding the bottom. There was a the food that I had created for Kelly's party - all festively packaged and ready to go with green tissue paper and festive wrappings. The house was quiet and peaceful with Bailey still sleeping. It was clean and calm. I took a deep breath and realized that I felt a calm feeling that I hadn't felt in a very long time.

Domestic bliss doesn't happen often with a baby...but when it does, it's a wonderful feeling.

Then, I looked at the clock and realized it was only 7 AM. I made some more coffee. PHEW!!!

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