
We Have a Date!

You might be wondering if I'm talking about a date for Kelly and I, but NO! What I'm talking about is a COURT DATE to finalize the adoption proceedings that will ensure that Kelly is never denied her legal rights as Bailey's mother!

On August 24th, Kelly and I will be in court with our daughter and the judge will put her stamp of approval on the papers that ensure that nobody can ever deny Kelly's right to parent our child. She will forever more be legally and financially responsible for Bailey. Should something ever happen to me, there will be no question about who "gets" Bailey.

More importantly, Bailey's birth certificate will be amended to read "Parent: Michelle McFadden. Parent: Kelly McFadden." No mother, no father. Just her two parents. The two people in this world who promise beyond all doubt to love her forever, and to make this gigantic place just a little more sweet.

If you are interested in being present for the proceedings, let us know and we'll give you the details. Anyone who wants to come is welcome to attend. Our attorney assures us that the courtroom on these days are like one big kids birthday party with all kinds of families being created and sealed by the court.

I can't wait!!!!

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