
Growing Grouch

Goodness. When Bailey grows, so does her grouchiness. Lordy. I could just hide under the bed and rock back and forth.

Okay, so it's not really that bad. I am, afterall, the world's biggest drama queen. But it IS pretty bad. She's eating (or wanting to eat) constantly. We've had to change her formula, because she was spitting up almost as much as she was eating. Not fun, let me tell you. I love her dearly, but I'm not interested in having 5 ounces of vomit on me after each feeding. Yuck.

She's also developed this nice little habit of flailing her arms around while she is eating. I've started holding her arms down and telling her "no flailing, Bailey". In response, she looks at me and begins her extremely loud and high pitched whine while still sucking on the bottle. When I relax my grip on her arms, she continues to flail. So, I get to choose between the high pitched whine that makes me want to scream, or being hit by her little flailing hands...which also makes me want to scream.

And, to make matters worse, she's sleeping like absolute shit. Why is it that when she needs the sleep the most, she sleeps the worst? It takes her 20-30 minutes to fall asleep and then when she finally does get to sleep, the littlest thing wakes her. I'm not willing to let her sleep in our bed, and I'm not sure that she would even if I were to allow it. I'm just too heavy a sleeper. I can't ensure her safety, so it's a no go.

The crib still isn't working out. I keep trying, and she keeps hating it. They are sure going to have fun with her at the daycare. Lucky them.

But, on a more positive note - she's so incredibly engaged these days. Honestly, she just blows my mind with her ability to grasp a concept and then figure out how to recreate. For instance, she can turn the pages on the little book on her exersaucer. And this is not just reaching out and randomly, by mistake turning the pages. Oh no. She actually concentrates and uses her finger tips to grasp the little tab on the side of the page and pulls it. She doesn't get it every time and when she doesn't, she gets frustrated and yells at the book. It's funny and she's so freakin' smart!!!!

I realized this morning while she was playing in her exersaucer that she is beginning to grasp the concept that what she can't see is still there. I think this because she will work her way around in the exersaucer (yes, she can spin herself at 11 weeks), but then look over her shoulder for the toys that she can no longer see. She's making the connection that they are still there, even though they are not in her sight range. To encourage this, whenever I come up the stairs to get her when she wakes from a nap, I talk to her all the way up the stairs. I think that it helps her understand that I'm here, even if she can't see me.

Maybe not, but maybe it actually will help.

Anyway. She's starting to finally drift off and I need to shower. She hasn't slept much this morning and so I haven't had the time to get a shower in. I feel nasty. Time to make it happen while she sleeps...

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