
Week 39

Well, our little girl is taking her sweet ass time. At today's check, my cervix was nice and soft and squishy, she could fit about a fingertip inside of it (which is less than 1 centimeter dilation) and there is very little effacement. However...she could feel the top of Bailey's head, so she is down and engaged and ready to start the real work of flattening and opening my cervix for her big exit.

As it turns out, we are completely normal and average. At 38 weeks, I really shouldn't be much further along than this, but I'm doing well for as far along as I am. We're probably looking at baby born closer to my due date...so another two weeks or so. Of course, we'll know more next week.

We did find out that if I end up getting screwed by my insurance that we can request an induction next week. We don't want to do that, but honestly, if it comes down to me having to go back to work or to force a labor...I'm going for labor. I hope that it won't...and the odds are looking good. I talked to the insurance folks today and they have everything they need. I talked to my HR rep at work and she insisted that they are more of a rubber stamp than an actual approval process. I also talked to my doctors, who were livid at the thought that the insurance company would not approve their medical order. So...it's looking good. But, just in case...we could force Bailey next week (when I'm 39 weeks).

That's a last resort, though. For now, I'm going to keep reading my library books, keep moving around and resting. I lost 3 pounds this week, so I'm back down to 20 gained. I'm happy about that. I have a bad, bad habit of eating when I'm bored, so I'm working to make sure that I don't do that. It worked this week. I'm just going to keep focusing and try to keep walking.

Here is what's up for the "development" this week...

Weeks Until Due Date: 2
Weeks Until We Evict her: 4
Total Weight Gained: 20 pounds

Fetal development in pregnancy week 39:fetus in ninth month

Whether you give birth tomorrow or next week, it's pretty much all the same for your baby-- they are now truly R-E-A-D-Y to face the big bright world outside of your womb. Speaking of wombs, your body is priming up for the big moment and hopefully, you're as prepared mentally as you can be. Your baby is well stocked up on fat, all their organs have put on the finishing touches. Here's hoping your child is already in the birthing position and basically just "hanging out" waiting for that elusive moment when all systems synchronize in your body to trigger the labor process.

And how's mom doing?

We know you're antsy for the big moment, but let's step back a minute and talk about what it takes to get to the point where you’re finally holding your sweet little miracle in your arms. Are you mentally ready to embark on the oh-so-fun adventures of labor? Take a moment to review all your preparations for handling the pain (breathing techniques etc.). Don't forget you're going to have some physical signs prior to labor: 1) you'll lose the mucous plug sometime before labor sets in, 2) the good ol' water breaking (doesn't happen to all women), 3) and finally, before the contractions kick in, it's likely you'll see some brownish-red discharge in your underwear-- charmingly called "bloody show."

And how about all those little details? Have you got yourself a back-facing infant seat for the ride home? Is their adorable "first outfit" all packed up? Where's that list of family and friends you're going call with the happy news? Do NOT forget the camera!!! If you're giving birth at the hospital, don't forget socks-- they always over air-condition the place. Also, if you're not having a home birth, bring your pillow-- you know it's better and comfier than anything they're going to provide for you. Lastly, have you ironed out all the details of your birth plan with your caregiver? It's best to clarify all your preferences prior to serious labor, because once you're puffing like, well, a woman in labor, it's highly unlikely you're going to have the presence of mind to talk it out clearly.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm been reading for awhile, but this is the first time that I have commented. Congratulations on your pregnancy. It's great to read how excited you both are and I am really looking forward to hearing all about the birth. My partner and I are planning for kids in the furture and it's just so wonderful to read your family's story. Thanks for sharing and best of luck! -Kate in MoCo MD!

Mikki said...

We love it that there are people out there who enjoy our story!!! I'm glad that you've been a part of it! If you have a blog through your own process, or before, let us know! We'd love to become readers...

:-) Mikki & Kelly

Anonymous said...

Wow, girlfriend! You are really, really pregnant. Good job. I have been reading along daily and updating Matt, Jessica, Richard, and David. We're all pulling for an early and EASY delivery. Can't wait to meet Miss B in person.

Love and cheers,
Karen Prosser

Mikki said...

Karen - I'm so glad that you are still reading and please, please let me know when you and Richard (and Matt and Jess) are in town!!! We'd love to do dinner or lunch and introduce you to our little love...when she finally shows up!