
Looming Induction

For a number of reasons, Kelly and I have decide to induce labor on Sunday evening. I'll be heading into the hospital on Sunday night (not yet sure of the time, but it'll be in the evening sometime), where they will insert a suppository of cervadil (this could be the wrong spelling) into my cervix. This will "ripen" my cervix - or hopefully this will ripen my cervix. The goal is to get my cervix to soften more than it has already so that when they do the actual induction, the contractions will actually dilate my cervix.

I'll be spending Sunday night in the hospital. This is pretty much a wasted night, because all that is happening is the cervadil sitting up there doing its thing. Kelly will stay at home Sunday night (because the labor rooms do not have an extra bed and she will need to be rested on Monday).

Monday morning, they will start a Pitocin IV drip. Hopefully, this will be the start of labor.

There is no guarantee that this will work. At my appointment today, the doctor could "almost" fit a full finger into my cervix and he could "just barely" feel Bailey's head. In other words, she's not really even close to making this happen. Additionally, my blood pressure was up again - not much, but enough that it becomes a concern for them. Next week I will be a full 40 weeks pregnant, and there is very little benefit to continue the pregnancy.

Of course, the insurance situation plays a large role as well. We can't keep me out of work without a paycheck for much longer. I hate that the financial situation has to be a part of the decision at all, but the reality is that it does. We are not a wealthy couple and we do not have endless resources. Honestly, the financial reality and the stress that it brings is just as important as the health reasons to induce.

All of those things have combined to make an induction the right decision for us. We are ready to make this happen and Bailey is pretty close (if not completely ready).

If the cervadil and pitocin do not work, I will have to have a C-section. At this point, I am willing to accept the risk. Kelly has always supported whatever decision I make, and I am to the point now where this needs to happen. Hopefully, we won't have to bring Bailey into this world via surgical methods, but if we do...so be it. The goal is to get her here and for the three of us to walk out of the hospital healthy and together.


Anonymous said...

That is Kelsie's Birthday!!

specks0615@aol.com said...

once a little girl told her saddened mother's face "mamma, it'll be alright tuesday!" so matter what, k & m.. "it'll be alright tuesday!" ...when prayers go up, blessings come down...k..