
How do you spell relief?

Obviously, it's "i-n-d-u-c-t-i-o-n"! Last night, I slept great. I poppped out of bed at 4:45 to make Kelly's lunch and get her on her way to work. I had some cereal and then decided to try to go back to bed for a while. Sometimes this works, and I'll actually fall asleep for another hour or so.

This morning, I crawled into bed at 5:45. When I cracked my eyes open again, it was 9:00 AM!!!!! I had not even woken up to pee or anything. HOLY HELL!!! I haven't slept this well in months. It must be that I'm not stressed like I was yesterday.

Honestly, you never really know how heavy something is weighing on you until the pressure is relieved. I guess I just didn't realize that I was so strung out about continuing to wait, about the money, about the blood pressure. About everything.

Now, I have a date. A time is on the way (they are scheduling with the hospital right now and will call me back). We hold our daughter on April 30th...or May 1st at the latest.

Goodness...I'm not sure when I've ever been more excited. Oh wait - yes - I was this excited the day that Kelly proposed to me. For all the same reasons. It's the start of such a wonderful, wonderful chapter in our lives. A whole new way of being in the world and in our relationship.

God...I feel like I could bust wide open with happiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It sounds as if you both made the best decision for your family. It must be absolutly surreal to think that you will be holding your daughter in a matter of days....