

In between naps today, and periods of sheer torture where my head throbbed at insane levels, I've worked on the nursery. I can't just lay down - my body and our little baby inside me won't tolerate that. It just hurts. I had to get up and do something.

So, into the nursery I went. I've now washed everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) and put it all back together. I've dusted, I've cleaned with mild, baby-friendly cleaner anything that might end up in her mouth. I've put things just so. I've looked at every piece of clothing (and good lord, there is a LOT) and I'm in the process of washing those clothes. Soon, I will be folding and putting everything into her dresser.

Yesterday, our lovely friends M&S came on by (once again) to help us put up the ceiling fan. I say "help us", but what I really mean is that they did it and we watched. The whole electrical thing is not something we are comfortable with. In exchange, I made them dinner and we shared chocolate cake (which I think is the perpetrator of this killer headache). (Thank you SO MUCH, M&S!) Last weekend, Kelly and I put up many of the pictures on the walls and this week, she picked out a couple of new frames for some more.

In other words, my friends, the nursery is damn-near finished! What is missing is the rocking chair that Bailey's Grammy and Andrea have gotten for us. This absolutely gorgeous, hand-made Amish chair is still being built for us. A couple of the picture frames are still empty - to be filled with black and white photos that we will have taken by a photographer on April 4th. We want for Bailey to be surrounded in her room by the love that we have for her, for each other and for this process of bringing her into the world. So...we're going to get photos to document the very-nearly end result of her in my body.

As for what we still absolutely NEED - we need baby wipes (seventh-generation ones...Whole Foods was out last time we checked). Other than that, we have everything that we would need if she came into the world today. There are still some things we want (check out our registry...LOL!), but we have what we need.

Wow. Suddenly it seems so close.

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