
Lotion on the Belly

As Mikki has described in earlier posts, each night we read to Bailey once we are settled into bed for the night. Every night I put a massive amount of lotion on my miserably dry hands, so Mikki has to hold the book and turn the pages. We alternate reading the pages leaving my hands free so I get to hold my hands on Mikki's belly as we read. This is my favorite time of day. Bailey is usually very active at this time. I like to think it's because she hears both of our voices. We think Bailey has been in a similar position for quite a while because we can feel her movements more in one particular spot, so I always place my hand in that spot. I was commenting to Mikki a couple days ago that her belly is really soft in that spot and she reminded me of my lotion saturated hands being there each night. Funny...I didn't realize I was helping her moisturize. ~Kelly

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