

I feel a strange and intense energy this morning. Around the start of spring, I start to feel this way. I've always loved it when spring finally pops into existance. When I lived in Maine, I'd wait for that first mild breeze that signaled that the flowers would soon come and I'd be able to once again sit outside in the mornings. To this day, there is still nothing better than a cup of coffee, a cigarette (even though I no longer smoke) and the sun rising on a cool, crisp early April morning in Maine.

Here in Maryland, it happens a bit earlier. Next week, the weather will be in the high 50's and low 60's. That's the start for me. The weather begins it's change. The grass starts to turn green. The buds on the trees start to show themselves.

Kelly and I just recently placed an order for a bunch of flowers for our front yard. They will arrive soon.

And to really make the whole "new life" thing more pronouced this year - Bailey will be born probably sometime next month...or very early in May. It's this incredible convergence of new life, new development, new changes.

It makes me feel anxious to start it all, and nostalgic for the times in my life that were just a little slower. I'm so happy to be able to spend this summer focusing all my energy and time on caring for our daughter, our home, my partner, our birds and our kitties. The things that truly matter to me...

It's funny...it seems like so far away. But it's not. Bailey is not far from being born. I have goosebumps thinking about it!!!! Goodness...it's all so exciting...

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