
Can't Stop Staring

Since 1:43 Tuesday afternoon (note the time on the later of the two 4D ultrasound pictures below), I have not been able to do anything else...I stare at our little Bailey/Conner constantly (or at least 15 hours of the day - 24 hours/day less 8 hours sleep and 1 hour miscellaneous). Other parents talk about how difficult it is to sleep or do anything else once the baby is born because you never want to stop looking at the precious bundle of joy. Mikki and I were lucky enough to get a sneak peek of what our little honey looks like, so it feels as though that process is getting started early for us.

We have decided to start reading Bailey/Conner bed time stories each night. Currently we only own Good Night Moon and Good Night Maine, so we plan to alternate between the two. I just purchased Donald Trumps new book Why We Want You Two Be Rich, maybe I'll start reading that aloud and teaching fiscal responsibility early via subliminal messages. JUST KIDDING!!! For all those who think they know me well enough to actually think I would do that...try again! I'll wait until s/he is at least able to speak before I purchase his/her first 10 key calculator. (That's another joke.)

But seriously, it's now been two days since the 4D and I still feel speechless. I'm realizing what it means when people say their heart is over flowing. The only thing I have left to wish for is a healthy delivery and a long life. ~Kelly

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