
Getting Back To Good

Yep, it's official. The worst of the morning sickness-gonna-vomit-on-the-bus-oh-god-get-me-some-food-right-now has passed! Every day I'm feeling better with more and more energy. I'm still sleeping more than usual, but I can handle that. The dishes are actually getting done. The weekends don't feel like one big blur of sleep. The thought of actually getting out and doing some gardening isn't daunting.

And the horrid, horrid sickness is finally gone. Unless I don't eat. And honestly, that's not been a problem. In fact, at some point during the weekend the extreme hunger seemed to kick in. Yesterday, no matter how many snacks I had, I couldn't stay full. And lunch was like another snack. I finally got home and made us sloppy joes, french fries and brocolli (doesn't sound real healthy, but you figure - it's soy meat...so not AS BAD!). Well, I had my plate piled high. I was gonna eat everything in sight.

15 bites later, I was done. Overstuffed. It was so dissapointing. Like sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner and only being able to eat one round of very small portions. Probably far healthier than eating a super-sized meal...but disappointing anyway.

So, it goes. I'm already loving the second trimester. Other than a mild backache which seems to originate from the bus seats and the hunger, I'm feeling good.

My regular clothes are still fitting, so that's good. LOL - being the frugal person that I am, I have no interest in buying a ton of maternity clothes. I'm not exactly a high-fashion kind of girl, so the couple of pairs of maternity pants that I already have, coupled with a few shirts a bit larger once my belly begins to grow outward and I'm good. I've got no shame in admitting that I'll be wearing the same clothes over and over again...

I'm excited to start showing. The only "problem" with being a larger woman is that it takes longer to "show". Sure, my boobs have ballooned to disgusting proportions, but they were big anyway. I haven't gained any weight (or at least a week ago I hadn't, and over the weekend, I had actually lost weight...LOL!), so my clothes really don't look any different. The ultrasound confirmst that our little honey is growing away, but until he or she gets pretty big, it probably won't show. That is mildly dissapointing.

BUT, I comfort myself with knowing that the less weight I gain (they recommend only 15 pounds TOTAL for someone of my size starting out), the more healthy me and our child will be. And I do want to be healthy. I don't want to eat on a belly just to show the world that I'm pregnant. I don't want gestational diabetes and I don't want birthing complications because of my weight.

So, with all that said - it's a bummer that I'm not one of those cute pregnant women with a little bump, but I am healthy, whole and growing a child inside of my body. Seems like that is all a girl can ask for, right?

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