
Blacklisted and COLD!

It appears that a small group of us (me, Kelly and a couple of our friends) have been blacklisted by another "friend" of ours. I'm absolutely furious over it and would like to spend hours and hours ranting. However, I will grit my teeth and bite back my frustration and say only this. It seems very, very, VERY strange to me that one person is doing to us exactly what she spent hours and hours complaining about other people doing to her. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe there is some problem with the fact that we are coupled and she is not. Or that we are pregnant and she is no longer the center of the universe. Or some strange version of childish jealousy that makes no sense to me. Call me a vindictive bitch if you'd like, but I haven't got time in my life to be plagued by people who poison and spread ill-will. Best of luck to you, old friend. May your drama be enjoyed by someone else.

Okay, enough of that unpleasantness.

It's finally COLD here! Yes, my friends, it's cold. Many people would like for it to be warmer - but not me. I'm a cold kind of person. I like to shiver. I enjoy feeling like my nose is just a bit too frosty. I detest heat. If the temperature (whether inside or out) is above 65, I'm too hot. And it's finally cold. Kelly and I have got our temperature set to between 67-69 degrees and our house is COLD! I wake up, jump out of bed and shiver. I actually ENJOY putting on my slippers, my sweats and my sweatshirt. I wake up better, I sleep better, I'm less lethargic and overall my state of mind is better.

I love it.

All is good on the pregnancy front. I'm feeling good. Sleeping well, eating well and hopefully growing a healthy baby. We're 13 weeks today, so by all definations, we are finished with our first trimester. Wow...it seems like I just got pregnant and now we're already through the first trimester!

This weekend we finalize the garden and will being planning our Christmas cards. Handmaking christmas cards requires that we start early. In the three years that we've been making them, it has become a priceless holiday tradition and is always the first thing that really kicks off the season! We're starting a little late this year, but that's okay...

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