
Working on No Sleep

Last night was officially the worst night of "rest" I've ever had. After successfully falling asleep early (think 8:30), I woke up at 1:30 in the morning ready to start my day. Honestly, I was wide awake. I did everything I could to get comfortable and go back to sleep, but nothing worked. After about a half hour of rolling around and being generally annoyed, I realized that I was starving. I just gave up and hauled my sorry self out of bed. I went downstairs (to the delight of the cats, I might add) and had some of dinner's leftovers. Then I watched a really cool show about Africa on PBS. At about 3 AM, I finally crawled back upstairs and into bed. I laid for a while, finally falling asleep around 4 AM.

At 4:30 AM my alarm went off. Not pretty for a girl who can't drink coffee by the bucketfuls anymore.

See the problem is that my body is just generally uncomfortable. I'm not sick. I'm not nauseated. I'm not even really all that moody (or at least, not as bad as I could be). You know when you have to stretch how your muscles feel? And then you stretch and it feels all better? Well my legs and hips feel like they need to be stretched all the time. And after I stretch them, they still feel like the need to be stretched. So, I'll lay down and get comfortable and then my body starts to ache. So, I'll stretch out and move around and just start to drift off, and then my body gets uncomfortable. So, then I'll roll over and stretch out, get comfy and start to drift off and my body gets uncomfortable. And then...well you get the point. Not pretty.

I guess this is all a part of it. The good news is that I can function pretty well on minimal sleep. Which I think will help me in the coming years...

:-) Mikki

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