
Some Quick Updates

I was out of work yesterday and while I checked email all day, I still have lots of catching up to do...so this will be brief.

Connor's 4 month check up was yesteday. He is super healthy - 16.6 pounds, 26 inches long and and a head circumfrence of 45. He's in the 75th percentile for weight (same as last time), 75th percentile for height (up from 50th last time) and 90th percentile for head. He's gonna be smart!

He got two shots and an oral vaccination yesterday. A part of me hates vaccinations, but then I remember that we live in a place where if a major disease hit, our kids would be likely to be exposed. Then I don't mind the vaccinations to much.

We had Kelly's company picnic yesterday. It was fun in a work kind of way. The weekend was lovely. This weekend will be better. We're hosting a party for the 4th of July. Lots of good BBQ, beer, friends and fireworks. Good times!

Bailey's favorite saying right now is "Oh, My Man!". Where did she come up with this, I don't know. LOL - it's not a phrase heard often in our house...

All is well. More later.

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