
Pacifier BEGONE!

Yes, we did it.  The bobo, Bailey's precious bobo, was taken away when she woke up on Friday morning and it wasn't returned.  Friday night she was bummed.  She asked for it a couple of times.  I told her that she was a big girl now and that big girls didn't need pacifiers.  I told her that it was in the garbage and that the garbage man had taken it away in his big green truck.  She cried a bit and needed extra cuddles.  She needed one extra round of night-time love, but then fell asleep and stayed asleep the entire night.  

Saturday morning, the first words out of her mouth were "I want to buy a new bobo".  I told her no and that she was a big girl and that to celebrate the fact that she was such a big girl, we were going to get ice cream.  She asked for cupcakes too.  No drama for the rest of the day regarding the bobo.

Saturday night, she looked at me quite sadly and informed me that the garbage man had her bobo and that she was a big girl and didn't need it.  Then she went to bed without any problems.  

She said nothing on Sunday morning and last night, she went to bed without even asking for it.

The upsaid to all of this is that she's sleeping through the night.  When she wakes up, she is not frantic to find the bobo that has fallen out of her mouth while sleeping and she just goes back to sleep.  She was obviously ready for this.  Once again, I think daycare helped.  They never gave her the bobo for naptime, so she has learned to fall asleep without it.  It was just a matter of us making the decision to move forward at home.  And now it's done.  Just like that!

Now on to potty training.  She's about 85% potty trained at school.  They take her every hour and she almost always pees on the potty.  Sometimes she poops too, although that is more rare.  She has even started asking at school to go on the potty.  

I made the first initial steps into full potty training yesterday.  I showed her a package of Elmo panties and we talked about buying them when she is peeing on the potty at home too.  For whatever reason, she refuses to do it at home.  Part of it is us - we haven't yet fully committed - and part of it is her - she really likes the little potties at school.  Again, we'll make this happen at some point soon, and she'll be ready.  She's only just over 2!!!  

Connor is close to rolling over (from his back to his tummy).  This skill generally develops after the tummy to back roll over (which he hasn't done yet) and usually around 5-6 months.  Connor is 3 1/2 months now, so that it makes good sense that he is just about there.  He gets his entire body over, with just his shoulder left.  He's been doing that for a while.  This weekend, he worked really hard to get over that shoulder...and he's getting closer.  No more leaving the baby unattended on things...

God - they are growing up so fast.  It's almost sad...almost!

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