
Oh Joy

It's Wednesday, which officially means that I am almost halfway through this week.  That's good.

I'm in a rut and decided this morning to get the fuck out of it.  I'm so tired of feeling tired, bluesy, bummed, disappointed.  

In proper Mikki-style, I'm taking the bull by the horns and changing shit up.  

First stop - the gym.  I need to get my ass in there.  Even if don't lose a pound, I need to gain the energy and the self-respect that comes along with doing something good for my body.  I'll have to get up at 3:30 AM to make this work, and that'll suck.  But it's something.  It's a step.  

That's the first step.  I'll keep you informed.

Yesterday, in the middle of the morning, my love called me and invited me to lunch.  Given that we work 3 blocks from one another and we both are afforded the right to take a lunch break, you'd think we do this often.  We don't.  But we should.  It's kid-free time.  It's a break from work.  It's time to talk to each other.  It's time together with no other point than doing it together.  So, I'm instituting "Togetherness Tuesdays" and we'll do lunch every Tuesday (of course, this is subject to change around meetings...but at least one day a week).  

And with work.  Lordy - I'm bored with my job.  So, I'm going to ramp up my efforts to find a new job, doing something I'm good at that I enjoy.  And that pays me what I'm worth.  And allows me my alternative schedule.  Anyone got a job making at least 60K that will allow me to work 6:30 - 3?  Preferably doing something I love?  Anyone?

That's all for now.  The kids are great.  Not much new with them.

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