
You Know That Twinge?

You know that twinge you get when you realize that you've made thing too complicated?

I get it often.

And I have it again.

The first thing that I made to complicted was my desire to get Bailey in a big girl bed and potty trained right around two.  I went on a tirade and forced Kelly to go out and buy a twin bed like two months ago.  It is in Bailey bedroom and is currently being used as a place for the cats to sleep and a spring board for Bailey's bored jumping.  This past weekend, we were in Baby's R Us and Bailey spotted a toddler bed.  She ran to it, happy as a lark.  We plopped down our $100 bucks for the NOT pink version and Monday night I randomly decided to put it together and dismantle the crib.  And just like that, Bailey's transitioned to a big girl bed.  There has been no drama.  No issues.  No late-night playing in the room.  Just Bailey, in a bed, sleeping.  I gave up on potty training too - just letting it happen as she leads it.  Again the twinge.  I just need to remember (or get it through my thick scull somehow) that Bailey will let us know when she is ready to make these transitions.  And they will probably happen right on time, when they are supposed to happen.  On her schedule...not mine.  

The second thing that I've made too complicated is my relationship.  Again.  I do this often and it kills Kelly.  Seriously.  She hates me for it.  This is one of those things that she tolerates about me, rather than loving in an exasperated kind of way.  I can't push her.  I can't force her to be a circle when she is a square.  And I always try.  And it frustrates me to an unreal level when she doesn't respond...in other words, when she stays a square.  But, and this is always true, if I just back off and put what I need out there and let her figure out how to make her edges a little more round, she always does.  Always.  She's never failed me.  


Sometimes, being me is exhausting.

1 comment:

Karen B Prosser said...


We love you for being you--a circle with a great heart, wonderful parenting skills, a sensational understanding of the world and yourself, and your fabulous ability to put it all down in words. You rock!