
Winds of Change

LOL - that is such a heavy-sounding title for such a fluffy post!

I got my hair cut. Finally. All of it. It's super-short. Well, I guess it's about an inch and a half on top, but super-short every where else. I also got it colored - a deep red. It's rich, vibrant, exciting, fresh and new.

It's also something I have been wanting to do for a long, long time. Kelly doesn't like my hair short. She never has. She has always encouraged me to keep my hair long (or longer) because it's her preference. And I've always been mostly okay with that. Afterall, I do want to look beautiful for my wife.

But, a strange thing happened when I got in the car after my appointment. I looked into the rearview mirror and recognized the woman I saw. I have felt so disconnected from myself for the last few years. Having children has overshadowed most of me and that's okay. But I am still the girl I've always been...and part of that is represented by my hair.

I know that I'm probably assigning too much to a haircut, but I left my appointment feeling light, happy, in control and excited. I jumped in my car, cranked up my music and felt like a million bucks. I adore the cut - it makes me feel sexy, young and fresh.

I'll post a picture this afternoon...

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