
Oh Hell

Here is the thing - there is so much happening in our lives and some of it just isn't great. Kelly and I have never been where we are, and she has made it very clear that she is not comfortable with me talking about it.

It makes me feel like a fraud to write about the events of my life and ignore all of the things going on inside. Especially because those things going on inside actually eclipse the daily events.

This blog started out as a record for our children. It has turned into something more important (at least, more important to me). It is where I express my head, where I put into written word the shit that is tumbling around in my brain. It is an outlet, a release.

It also makes Kelly very uncomfortable when I talk about her. But how can I not?

So, I'll stay live. But I may not post very often right now. I just can't. I don't want to be a fraud - to myself or to those of you who read regularly. I can't pretend that things are wonderful right now. They are not. I can say, without hesitation, that Kelly and I are hanging in there and that there is light at the end of the tunnel we've found ourselves in. If I thought that my marriage was doomed, I would just keep writing. But I don't think it is. I think we've got a shot and I have to respect her wishes to not discuss it right now.


Susanica said...

Hang in there Mikki. Talk to you next week. -Monica

MaverickMama said...

You will make it through this with your wife. Huge changes are always stressful, but you will find each other again. Life rarely turns out as expected, but when I relax my grip on my expectations of what was suppose to be; I open the doors to the beauty of what is real. You have much beauty in your life. Hang in there. I'm cheering for you both.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I just got married in October and have been together for the past 5 years. We're going though our own relationship issues and I know how difficult it can be. I like to thinking that we are going though our issues becuase we are not content just sweeping things under the rug. We notice the signs of trouble and we tackle the issues head on. Love will prevail. Take good care!
