
In Other News

Kelly and I are good. Enough of that.

Bailey is doing really, really well! This past week was her first week at her new school. Her first day was Tuesday (they were closed for Easter Monday) and she did fantastic!!!! There have been absolutely zero transition issues. She loves them, loves the room, loves the songs and her "circle time". She is fine being left and is always having a good time when we pick her up.

A couple of huge, huge developments happened on her first day. First - she went pee on the potty!! We've been working for a long time getting ready. We sit on the potty frequently and she has been wearing pullups at school for a long time. But she has never actually "put her pee pee" on the potty. But, just like that, she did at school. They said that she sat on the toilet for 3 minutes and then went. Just like that. No fuss. We got her day sheet and noticed that it said "IWP" on the line where they usually write the contents of her diaper. We had to think and then realized that it was code for "I Went Potty". We were stunned!!!! We went in the next morning and they confirmed it.

So now we know that she can do it. It's only a matter of time before it becomes a regular thing. We are not pushing it. We talk about panties and she's excited that she'll get to wear them, but when you ask her if she wants to wear them now, she says no! So we'll just take it easy and let her lead. It's nice to have a school that is actually working with her, though.

The second major development is that they eradicated her pacifier at school! They just didn't give it to her. She asked for it a couple of times the first day, but after that, she hasn't asked for it. Even during nap time!!! That means the only time that she has her pacifier is at night. We need to work on that.

Connor is doing very well. He is starting to develop some pattern in his sleeping, but it is sketchy at best. He sleeps 2-4 hours at a stretch at night. During the day, when we let him sleep in the swing, he'll sleep longer. He loves his swing. We have kept him in his pack n play upstairs, even though we could probably get more sleep. For now, Kelly is taking the brunt of the night stuff. I get him up when he wakes up, do the diaper change and then give him to her to feed. Then, I am ashamed to say, I fall back asleep. She is usually up for 45 minutes or more doing his feeding. Then she wakes me back up and I put him in his crib while she gets herself ready to go back to sleep.

He has started smiling full on when he sees me or Kelly. He hasn't shown any preference for us over other people...but he certainly has preference for Kelly over me. Which makes good sense right now. He's all about eating, all the time...LOL!

Next week is a big week for me. On Monday, I start back to work. I absolutely can't wait!!!!!! I feel sad to be leaving Connor - I will miss seeing him during the day. But I need to work and I need to feel like a grown up. Work helps me with that. I'm very happy to be going back.

Then, on Friday I turn 30 and it's Adoption Day!!!! We found out last week that our adoption hearing is April 24. This means that it will be only 2 months after he was born that he becomes legally mine. It's amazing how important this formality feels to me.

All four of us and Kelly's mom will be going to the hearing. After, I think the four of us are going to go to the Aquarium. Or maybe the Children's Museum. Something anyway. We'll enjoy a nice lunch in Baltimore and then head home.

I think that's all for now. I'm tired after a long, wonderful day in the spring sunshine. I have a cold beer and when it's gone, I'm heading to bed. This has been a good couple of days.

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