
9 Days or 6 Days...

9 Days by the ticker...6 days (counting today) until we are admitted to the hospital and the induction begins. We're likely 7 days away from his birth.

We're tired and ready and excited. Kelly had another round of 2 1/2 hour contractions that were both painful and regular last night. Again, they stopped. This morning, she woke up crampy and having lots of BH contractions. If this shit is practice, her uterus is going to be the strongest uterus ever. Hell.

I'm back at work today and this is the last place I want to be. To make it worse, I forgot my cell phone at home. What kind of wife forgets her cell phone when her wife could go into labor at any point? Hell.

I'm ready to be done with this and have our baby. We're ready to move on and get to the business of raising two children.

Bailey is hanging in there, but showing the effects of having two very distracted mothers. It's hard to stay focused on her all the time. We are doing our best, and right now, that's just gotta be good enough.

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