
12 Days...and Waiting

Friday's appointment went well. At the time, Kelly was a "loose one" centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. Our doctor stripped Kelly's membranes. We also scheduled our induction date. We will begin the induction process with cervidil on February 23 at 4:00 PM, with Pitocin following the next morning.

Since that time, Kelly has lost her mucus plug (on Saturday morning) and has been experiencing some irregular (and sometimes regular) contractions that are coupled with quite a bit of pain. While we both fully recognize that none of this means that we're in labor yet...it does seem like things are happening.

I am still thinking that we'll go into labor tomorrow. For a few minutes, I thought it would be tonight...but as soon as Kelly laid down, the contractions stopped. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe we'll go all week and need to be induced. We shall see.

For now, we will continue the light walking and occassional breat-pumping. We'll encourage it along as we can and see what happens.

1 comment:

Karen B Prosser said...

OMG! I have been checking your blog by the hour and I was sure you had Connor by now.

Boy it all sounds like you will have him before the induction. I hope for Kelly's sake that it is sooner rather than later.

Hang in there, Mikki. You both can do this beautifully.

Auntie Karen Prosser