
Too Fast

I never thought that I would say it (or think it)...but Bailey is growing up too fast, damn it!

This weekend, her high chair was dismantled and put in the garage (to be transported to the shed, along with all the other shit we haven't transported to the shed). In it's place as mini table and two chairs have been placed. She now eats there, at her table (with Santa, ironically).

This coming weekend, her crib will be taken apart and sent to the shed to wait for Connor and her changing table will be moved into our room to wait for Connor (he's going to sleep in a pack and play for a while). In place of the crib and changing table will go a twin bed and boxspring, placed on the floor. We will have bed rails...but still. It's a real bed.

About a week and a half ago, the pacifier finally disapeared from Bailey's life, except while she is in her crib.

Her molars are finally coming in.

She is close to growing out of her 3T clothes and size 6 sneakers.

She is able to verbalized what she needs and she has desires and preferences that are different than ours.

Her baby fat, the cute little roll right at the top of each leg, is nearly gone.

Her baby belly, the one that stuck out so prominently, is flat and smooth now, as she grows taller and thinner.

Her hair is long enough to be put into a pony tail or pigtails...depending on my mood.

She expresses preferences about her clothing.

She has learned, and uses liberally, the word "no".

Where did our baby go? You know, the one who drove me crazy and make me think I was going out of my mind? Where did she go, damn it??? Why did I ever think I wanted that time to be over???

I'm so happy Connor will be here soon. I want another baby.

1 comment:

Susanica said...

Hey I'm surprised you don't just put the crib temporarily in the spare room. Seems like less work. And have you thought about getting one of the Tripp Trpp chairs http://www.stokkeusa.com/tripptrapphome.htm

like Danny's? It eventually converts into a youth chair and we're planning to keep him in it his whole life since it will support hundreds of pounds (well, as long as he'll let us). It's great to eat all our meals together now. I especially like it when we all 3 eat the exact same foods--him with his little cake fork so he can be a big boy. He much prefers it to the "baby plasticware".

Yes, your baby is growing up. Look at how mature and what a good sharer she'll be when the baby arrives! -M