

Just a bit of perspective - yesterday was a rough day. Obviously. But I wouldn't want anyone (Kelly included) to think that I'm not happy overall or satisfied with my life. I am, but there are days when I can't see the forest for the trees. I get lost in the every day crap and forget that I'm actually happy where I am.

The problem is that "happy" is an overall term. So I can be both happy with my life and miserable in the moment. Sometimes, I'm both happy in the moment and happy in my life. Overall, things are good.

I have a great friend who emailed yesterday and reminded me not to get stuck in the always/never trap. In other words the "it's always going to be this way, things will never change." I do get stuck there sometimes, although I think that I keep some perspective most of the time.

Things are not really different today. All the same needs are there and the same reality of not getting those needs met is still there. Maybe it's sleep deprevation, but I don't feel nearly as fatal about it today. It's all perspective, I guess.

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