
It's Midnight

It's midnight and I am blogging because I need to do something before calling it a night.

Turns out I did make it home in time for the bath. Here is how it happened:

Over the past few days, Kelly has been having weird pain in her chest. Not in her lungs. Nothing that could be easily described or explained away. After three days (two of which the pain was pretty severe), she decided to go to the hospital. She went without me this morning, assuring me that she was just being silly and that they would tell her it was gas and send her home. Being as stressed as I was, I accepted that answer.

She called me at 2:30 and told me that I would need to pick Bailey up. They had done an EKG, lots of blood work testing her gall bladder, liver and for clots. Because she is pregnant and cannot do a CAT Scan to check for blood clots in her chest, they had to do an ultrasound on her legs to see if there was any sign there.

I immediately jumped into the car and headed to the hospital. When I arrived, she was sitting and waiting for the results. About 20 minutes after I got there, the doctor came in and told her that everything was clear. It's not a clot, she has no heart issues, there isn't really anything to explain it. So they sent her home with a warning to watch the signs.

We had a lovely evening with Bailey and then I got to work. The clock is about to strike midnight and I am going to bed. In 4 hours my alarm is going to go off to greet me (kick me) into a new day.

Hopefully a better one than today has been.

1 comment:

Susanica said...

Wow. How scary. You know it's bad when stoic Kelly decides to go get checked out. I'm so glad that everything is okay. Whew. Perspective indeed. -Monica