
No, Not Me

I found myself thinking today about newly single people. I'm not sure why - for sure, my relationship is rock solid. But I was thinking about it.

It must be so strange. I mean, you've planned your life with someone. The road, for as long as you can see it, has this other person in it. You share responsibilities, obligations, history, stories. There is one person in the world that knows you as they know themselves - completely, deeply and without blinders. It's the person that you've whispered in the night with, shared dreams and fights and made love to. It's the person with whom you've laid your plans and whose hand you hold as you chase your dreams.

And then, they are not.

What a strange concept.

I guess, because I've never been in a situation where I fell out of love, I don't get it. I've never understood divorce for that reason. How do you just leave someone? I suppose that a divorced person would say that life becomes better when the inevitable finally happens. But that is hard for me to understand.

Anyway. Random thoughts from the one square inch of my brain that is not dedicated to being a mother.

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