
The Uh-Oh Factor

I've finally figured out why I can't vote for Obama.

He gives me the "uh oh" feeling.

Just so you know, I have a VERY well-tuned "uh-oh" response. Years of sexual abuse as a child, followed by years of sexual self-abuse as a teenager perfected the response in me. I know, in my gut, when I find something shady and uncomfortable.

And I get a major "uh-oh" feeling from Obama. Just don't trust him. Can't do it. Won't vote for someone when I would recoil if they offered me their hand to shake.

Since I can't vote Republican on principal (thanks for reminding me, M & S) and I can't vote for Obama (and it sure does look like he's going to get the nod, doesn't it?), and I can't just sit out the vote (that would be completely against every principal I have), I'm going to vote for Nader (unless of course Hillary gets the nod, and then I'll rejoice).

If Nader isn't running by the time the election rolls around and my only choices are McCain or Obama, I'm writing in Kelly's grandfather. Because even if I completely disagree with his politics, I trust the man.

Anyway. Not that it matters much to anyone else, but I've been trying and trying to figure out why I can't stand Obama when everyone else seems to have bought what he's saying. I just don't buy his rhetoric (for lots of reasons, all mentioned in a previous post)...but more than that, I don't trust him. I think he's a liar and I think there is something to him that is just bad.

And the only reason - and I mean the ONLY reason - that I have for that is the "uh-oh" feeling that I get every single time I hear him speak. And if there is one thing that I trust, it's my gut.

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