
Busy, busy, busy

The funny thing about having a blog is that when I don't post, I feel guilty. Honest-to-goodness guilt. As if you are all just sitting out there, waiting to go about your lives, while I do other things.

I laughed at myself this morning about this.

Anyway. Kelly and I are super, super busy right now. Between us, we are working nearly constantly - both of us working on our mornings home with Bailey and last night Kelly brought work home. We are both charting new territory at work, so the work is doublely difficult (we are inventing the wheel).

Meanwhile, Bailey is doing her thing. She is such a joy these days. We are so very much enjoying her. She's funny, sweet, responsive and engaged. The few temper tantrums that started to pop up, have subsided. She's demanding when she wants something and has figured out that her very loud voice can carry. We ignore her when she's like this. She's catching on.

Perhaps the sweetest thing right now is that she has figured out that she can make us laugh, and then our laughter makes her laugh...and then her laughing makes us laugh again! It's a wonderful cycle that turns into a gigglefest nightly. Another cute thing right now is that she loves to see Kelly and I kiss and hug one another. She watches us intently and when we kiss, she smiles and claps and sometimes giggles. It's seriously cute!!!

There is more going on, but I don't have time to write about it now. I have some work to finish up and B will wake up in the next hour or so.

Lordy - this is one hell of a life, isn't it??

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