
She Crawls

Yesterday is the official first day of Bailey's crawling career. She's been working so hard to get it figured out and we've been trying to give her lots of floor time (both with and without us). Last night, as I was folding clothes and Kelly was sifting through some work stuff, Bailey was playing on the floor. She really wanted to check out the heater vent (in our home, these don't get hot!). I was sort of watching her, but not really paying attention when I realized that she had actually crawled forward 4-5 paces! She was at the heater vent and quite proud of herself!!!

We've got all the thing we need to baby-proof. We've been working on it slowly, but steadily. Now it's time to finish it up.

B is also teething again. And she has a cold. We think the two go hand in hand. She's been sleeping alright, but it takes her a while to fall asleep. Every time she starts to drift off, she coughs and wakes herself up. Then she whines because she woke herself up. Then she drifts off. It's a wretched cycle.

Of course, because she's more tired and doesn't feel great, she wants me to hold her all night. She'll fall into her near-sleep state and I'll put her in her crib (we try not to hold her until she falls asleep). As soon as her head hits the crib, she's awake and pissed off that I would even think about leaving her. She has to cry herself to sleep.

Man, it sucks walking away from her. I know that it's for the best. She needs to learn to sleep on her own, and most importantly, to fall asleep on her own. But damn. It makes me feel horrible!!!!! Especially because she is so warm and snuggly and droopy...LOL!

On a funnier note - I was wrapping a christmas gift yesterday and Bailey was "helping". She was so excited about the wrapping paper as I was pulling it off the roll that she went all rigid and just shook and screamed.

I haven't laughed that hard in a while!

We spent some time this weekend with our dear friends Monica and Susanne and Danny. I just have to say, once again, that Danny is such a sweet little boy!!!! Oh my lord. Bailey is sweet - sweet when she smiles at you, sweet when she giggles. But when Bailey gets excited, she slams her arms around, screams, tries to yank your glasses off, head bangs. LOL - she's anything but gentle, in other words. Danny, on the the other hand, is just as snuggly as teddy bear and so cute it hurts. He's got the sweetest little smile and his eyes are so expressive!

Anyway - I really enjoyed spending some time with them - both to catch up with some adults and to have some time enjoying another infant!!! Thanks, M&S, for hosting!

I think that is it for now. It's going to be a long week. There is lots to do at work, Kelly is absolutely swamped at her job and I'm on Bailey duty for the drop off and pick up all week. But, I am taking Friday off, and we get Monday and Tuesday off...so it'll be a nice long weekend.

I can't wait for Santa!!!

1 comment:

Susanica said...

Hey Mikki! We thought she was just on the cusp of crawling with the way she was pulling herself up this weekend. Wow! Hurricane Bailey--here she comes! She will explore every nook and cranny of your home. And every nook and cranny of her cats too! (Rut Roh) Can't wait to hear all about it.

Thanks for your sweet words about Danny. Aren't our kids just the biggest blessings ever! And he just LOVES the Leap Frog Maracas! Loves, loves, loves them. Thanks so much for getting them. We may get their drum now too. Alright then. Back to the old grind. Merry Christmas dear friends! -M