
Pissed Off Turtle

One of the funniest things about Bailey is that she gets irrationally pissed off at the turtle in her exersaucer. I know that this seems like a strange thing, but it's true! We put her in the seat and she immediately spins herself around to face the turtle. She spends a few seconds gumming it and generally slobbering all over it...and then she starts to yell at it. And it's not that cute little squeal that she has when she's excited. It's a full-on, pissed off yell...complete with crying and slamming of her arms on the surrounding toys. She hovers over it and stares down and rocks the exersaucer back and forth and yells at the damn turtle.

No other toys on the exersaucer make her mad. In fact, no other toy that she owns makes her mad.

Kelly did an experiment the other day. She took the turtle off the exersaucer and gave it to Bailey while she was sitting in her bouncy chair. The theory was that maybe Bailey was pissed off about not being able to get the entire turtle into her mouth. By giving it to her to hold, Kelly thought she would solve the problem and prevent her from being so pissed off. No dice.

You guessed it! Bailey got pissed off at the turtle while she was holding it and screamed and yelled at it just as if she was in the exersaucer.

Now, we have to take the turtle off the exersaucer before we put Bailey in it.

We don't know what the turtle did...but it's definately on her shit list.

1 comment:

treewater said...

I love doing those kind of experiments with kids! You really get to know what their shit is about!! You could keep giving her the turtle in different environments to see what she does, or show the turtle some mama love in front of Bailey and see if she changes her tune about it...