

Kelly forwarded me a link this morning to an article that details a Democratic forum on gay issues that took place last night. It has started me thinking, again, about how I feel about marriage.

I'm not surprised, or even disappointed, that most of the Democratic candidates do not support gay marriage. After all, a majority of the country doesn't either. Whether that is for political, social or religious reasons is irrelevant. The candidates are trying to get elected and an issue as divisive as gay marriage could bring an entire campaign down. So...I don't blame them.

I am interested, though, in the continued opposition. I wish someone could give me a logical explanation to why it would be such a catastrophe if Kelly and I were legally married. All of the arguments hold very little weight. And if nobody can give me a reason, I wish they would just own up to the fact that it comes down to the "ick" factor.

I kind of see it like the opposers to gay marriage are a little like three year olds, throwing a fit on the floor.

Let me explain. Kelly and I are married in every sense of that word. We have created, through other legal means, the exact same protections that legally married couples have. I could detail all the ways, but it's pointless. Suffice to say, we have all the same protections. Whether or not we are emotionally married to one another is another moot point - I mean, really, legal marriage certainly doesn't ensure that people are emotionally committed to one another (hence, the astronomical divorce rate). So, that brings me to religion. In the eyes of many religious communities, we are not married. But, the thing is, religion is only an argument if you believe what they are saying. After all, religion is FAITH...and by its very definition faith is the belief in something that you CANNOT PROVE. So, all the religious arguments are, as far as I'm concerned, completely pointless too. Who knows what the hell happens when we die and who is up there. We can't know, we're not supposed to know and the best we can do as human beings is have FAITH (hence, not provable) that there is a grander plan.

I'm not arrogant enough to believe that whatever is out there looking at the big picture is interested even the slightest in whether or not one of us has a penis and the other has a vagina. Honestly, I think that if there is a God, that being is much more interested in whether or not we are good to each other.

But, even if I'm dead wrong on that point, IT STILL CAN'T BE PROVEN!!!!!. Kelly and I will figure out what happens when we die...when we die!!!! So, the religious argument is as pointless as an emotional one.

So all that is left is the legal argument. We are not legally recognized by the government. To that, I say SO FUCKING WHAT????? We've created, using heterosexual law, the exact same protections as the so cold "precious" institution of marriage...so why would it matter if the government were to recognize it? I want just one LOGICAL reason. That's all.

Which brings me back to why I think that the opposers are acting like temper tantrum throwing three year olds. The proof is in the pudding. Kelly and I...a consummate LESBIAN couple have thwarted the attempts of those of you would deny us the same legal protections of marriage. We already have those same protections. And yet, you hold the label of marriage so closely to you...as if it means anything. Ladies and gentlemen...it's just a fucking word. A WORD. A word that describes a choice, a commitment and some legal protections. Since we have everything except the word, don't you think it's just a little childish to be so intent on withholding the label?

So, I'm not so upset that the Democrats are running scared from this issue. The reality is that the argument is already won. Kelly and I will get the rights we deserve. It's really hard to go backwards, and let me just point out, that the snowball has begun. Once multiple states start granting rights, it's hard to stop. It's like trying to stop the tide. It's already happening.

My advice? All those marriage opposers should take all their energy that they are using to prevent Kelly and I from getting a label and use it to help the 50% of the already legally married population who is actually desecrating the sanctity of marriage. Fix yourselves, before you try to break us. Okay?


bleu said...

Hey I Tiov'd the show but what is the link she sent you?

treewater said...

Hey Dude - there are actually several rights that you can't duplicate via legal means without the right to marry. Our friend Lori used that as a subject for her college thesis and discovered that there are over 100 rights straight married people have that gay couples don't. This is why it is still an issue. If it were true that you could duplicate marriage on paper in a lawyer's office without the word then it probably wouldn't be such a contentious issue.

I totally agree - the arguments the opposition create are so hollow. "Ick" is probably the only thing that makes any real logical sense despite the fact that it too is outdated and very juvenile.