
Growing Girl

We think our Bailey is going through that famed 3-month growth spurt. She's still about two weeks away from being three months, but these things are not an exact science, right?

She's eating like a starving person. 5 ounces every 2 1/2 - 3 hours and then about 8 right before bed. Last night, she had 4 ounces at 5:30 PM, then 8 ounces with one teaspoon of cereal at 7:45 PM. Then, she slept until 4:45 this morning (over 8 hours, if you're counting!). She was back up for another 5 ounces, then back down and she's still sleeping (it's almost 7 AM).

That's what I'm talking about.

Yesterday seemed to be a series of naps followed by eating, about 15 minutes of playtime and then some more napping.

With all the extra eating and sleeping, we can only assume that she's growing. It makes sense.

Yesterday, we went "school shopping". Bailey is heading to daycare after next week and I wanted to pick her up some cheap clothes. My philosophy about infant clothes is that they are in them for such a short period of time, that quality doesn't really matter (unless it effects how they fit). To that end, we went to WalM*rt and purchased five pairs of baby sweats, five white onsies and 10 pairs of socks that will actually stay on her feet. Everything is 6-9 month size and looks a little bit big. I'm hoping that they will last her through August. I didn't buy more because...well...like I said...she's growing! I don't want to send her in anything nice, because it's daycare. I want to make sure that she is comfortable and warm enough. I also want to make sure the providers have as easy a time changing her as possible. So...her first school shopping experience. It was fun!

Today, we grocery shop and get the house cleaned up. I want this weekend to be as simple as possible. We're having some friends down for BBQ this weekend, but other than that, it's going to be just us and I want to spend it relaxing.

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