

I'm so sorry that I haven't had a chance to blog recently. Bailey is going through a huge growth spurt and is very needy. I only have moments in the day when she lets me put her down. I can't hold her and type, so I haven't had a chance to be online at all.

Bailey is doing wonderfully. She is growing like a weed and every day brings news changes. She learned how to breastfeed. I'll tell that story later...but in short, she figured it out on her own and has been latching on five or six times a day for 20-30 minutes on each side each time. I'm taking herbal supplements to help increase my supply. She's still having formula, but hopefully that will decrease as my supply increases.

Bailey is crying to be picked up and comforted. I've gotta run. I promise...more later!

1 comment:

MaverickMama said...

Wow! That's fantastic! You knew you would be an awesome milk mama. What an inspiration.