
Alone Time

Not me...Bailey! Bailey seems to like her alone time when she's had all of her other needs met. She likes to sit in her chair or on the bed and just look around at the world. She love looking at the mini blinds when they are closed, and she absolutely adores her Sassy Me-in-the-Mirror. She lays there and sticks her tongue out at herself, reaching out every now and then to see if she can touch it.

Another thing that she really likes is the bath. She likes it when we get in the big garden tub together. It's kind of like swimming. She stretches her body out, and kicks her feet. She doesn't splash her hands yet...she still keeps those pretty close to her chest. We can spend lots of time in the bath, just floating in the water with me.

She's really developing beyond that "blob" stage that Angelina Jolie was talking about! She's getting so interactive. It's amazing to watch.

Today, I have my final doctors appointment. I've got to get ready and go. Bailey is starting to get fussy, so I'm going to try to settle her and then get some breakfast. Then a shower. Then off to the doctors. She was up quite a bit last night, so we are all tired today. It'll be a low key day.

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