
Quick Post

I'm here alone...or rather, without Kelly. Kelly is traveling and I've got my uncle and his daughter here with me. It's hard to entertain and do everything for the house that is usually split over two people. More than that, I miss my wife like crazy. Last night I laid in bed staring at the ceiling for two and half hours before I could sleep. I had to call her at 10:30 just to hear her voice before I could fall asleep. I kept waking up and reaching over to touch her and she wasn't there.


Thank God she's only gone for three days.

I have the utmost respect for those people who find ways to be away from their partners for long periods of time (MAJOR props to soldiers wives who do it while wondering if their partner is alive). I can't even begin to imagine the difficulty.

Today, Bailey is staying with Kelly's boss's wife and her daughters while I take Lance and Rhiannon to the Baltimore Aquarium. It's going to be hard for me to be away from Bailey, but honestly, it'll be easier on her than being out in public and in the car for hours. Besides she'll get super loved and super spoiled at Barb's! They love her over there...

Yesterday we all went to the Zoo. I have great pictures, but no time to download and post them. Bailey was an absolute perfect angel. Have I mentioned how much she's changed recently??? She's like a whole new child...easy going except when she's hungry. But no long random crying jags. She only cries when she wants food or when she's super tired. I know how to fix those things.

I promise pictures when I can get a second. It probably won't be till Kelly is back...but I might get a second...we'll see!

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