

This swing is magic. It's the Fisher Price Baby Papasan Cradle Swing. Our child is not the best sleeper in the world. She's restless a lot of the time and is still waking up frequently. We've noticed that during the day she sleeps wonderfully and I've finally broken through my exhausted brain and figured out why!

During the day, I hold Bailey and feed her and then snuggle her to sleep. It's pretty much a routine during the day. When she's good and sleeping, I put her in her swing. I turn it on, and it rocks her. She sleeps. For hours. Usually 3 or more at a stretch.

For a couple of nights now, Kelly and I have been tossing around the idea that we should bring the swing upstairs to our bedroom for the nighttime. And finally, last night, we did. She slept in this swing all night long!!! Not uninterrupted...she was up on her regular 3 1/2 hour schedule for feedings. But she woke up easy and ate and then went right back to sleep. She didn't wake up when I transferred her to the swing, and she stayed asleep comfortably.

As an added side benefit, Kelly and I slept GREAT. Without Bailey in our bed, we actually were able to sleep, and sleep hard, during the times that we could. God, it was marvelous.

I wasn't a big swing fan and we were not going to buy one for Bailey. Our friend, and now our savior, KP from California bought this swing as a gift for Bailey. It rocks her back and forth, and she can snuggle down into it. Thank you, so much, KP for the gift we didn't know we needed and wouldn't know what to do without at this point!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Bailey,

Thank goodness you love your swing! Way to make your Auntie Karen feel special. I'm so glad your Mommy and Momma are getting some sleep,too.

Who knew?
Love you, little sweetthing.