
First Outing

We did it. We took the plunge! Kelly and I left Miss. Bailey for about four hours and went and saw Pirate of the Caribbean. Now, before we get any "I could never do that" comments spoken in snide voices, let me remind our kind readers that we have NO family near us. None. We have some wonderful neighbors who come over for about a half hour at a time to hang out and play with Bailey. Other than that, Momma or Mommy holds Bailey and cares for her constantly. We get no breaks. It's a 24/7 job.

We needed a break. So, we left Bailey with Kelly's boss and his wife. And everything was fine. Kelly and I made it until there was about an hour left of the movie, and then we started to get a little crazy. We did make it through the entire thing, though. We were proud. We raced to their home after and joked about who was going to hold Bailey first! When we arrived she was sound asleep on Kelly's boss's chest. Kelly waited about 10 minutes, but then stole her back.

It was good for us. It was good for Bailey, who slept the entire time and was cuddled continuously by her adoring fans! It was also incredibly tough. Strange how something that I've been doing for 28 years (being without Bailey) can be so hard now that she's here. My arms missed her. My body ached for her. My heart hurt.

But it was still good.

In other news, Bailey is smiling now! She broke out into a super huge grin this morning when I picked her up. She's beginning to coo as well in response to our voices. She loves it when we talk to her. She loves her belly being tickled. She loves naked-girl time.

It's truly amazing these days to be a parent. It's so much easier than it was in the first four weeks. It's taken us up to this point, but I really think we are out of the woods. We've got this figured out...for now!

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