
Fast Paced World

This week is seriously fast paced. We have my uncle and his daughter here. Sunday night through Tuesday night (and all day Wednesday) Kelly was out of town. We've been to the Zoo, the Aquarium, the Museum of Natural History (which was accompanied by 12 hours in the city), the community pool and tomorrow we are going to Mt. Vernon. Our Bailey has been so good it's unbelievable. It's incredibly exhausting for her to be so active, but she's hung in there pretty well.

I must say, I have too. While Kelly was gone, I did the work that is usually spread over two people and entertained two other people...one of whom is 11 years old. I've managed to keep our house clean, our laundry done, the baby mostly happy and our company entertained. I'm exhausted.

I'm very much looking forward to next week. My plan is to do absolutely nothing. Hang out with Bailey and watch movies. Maybe read a book. You know. Nothing.

I'll write more tomorrow (maybe). Bailey is finally napping in her swing and I have a few minutes to wash her bottles and get the kitchen ready for dinner making...

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