
Things We Don't Know

Kelly and I are very informed people. By that, I mean that we spend lots of time researching whatever it is that we are doing. Having a child has not escaped the endless scrutiny of books, internet research, advice seeking and more fact finding. We knew each developmental milestone while Bailey was in utero...even if those were not always accurate (they are averages after all)!

I think that we are like that because it allows for some level of control over an unpredictable world. One of the core similarities between Kelly and I is our need for predictability and stability. We value these things in our life above most other things (other than love and affection). So having as many facts as possible when we embark on anything is important to us.

With that said, in the past two and a half weeks of whirlwind living...trying to figure out what parenting means for us and how Bailey operates...we've realized that we have done almost no research. We've relied heavily on the advice of others...doctors, nurses, family, friends...and of course on our instincts. But not on books. Not on the internet.

We've decided to rectify that problem today. We are going to spend some time at one of the local bookstores today and find a book about a baby's first year. We're looking for developmental milestones (when exactly does the average baby roll over???), and for the subtle cues that we can watch for as Bailey grows.

Of course, relying too heavily on these things is not good. And we know that. We just like to be prepared...

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