
Sleeping Beauty

Last night we began our nightly bedtime ritual. Kelly's sister (who is also a mommy to a new little girl) suggested a bath using the calming lavender bath wash. We decided to give it a try. So, we trooped to our bathroom, made it nice and warm with a space heater and proceeded to give our little girl a nice bath. I rubbed her down with lavender baby lotion after while Kelly held and cooed at her.

We put her in a comfy cotton union suit, and then put her in her sleep sack. We fed her a bottle (four ounces of formula!!!!) and then laid her down to sleep for the first time in her new co-sleeper.

And wouldn't you know it...the girl slept uninterrupted until 2:00 AM!!! When she woke up at 2, we fed her another bottle and she crashed out again until 5:30. At 5:30 AM, she was up again for a bottle and a diaper change. Then, back down until 7:30 when we all got up! We fed her another bottle at around 8:15, and she is currently sleeping on my chest.

So far, the in-bed co-sleeper is the best purchase we've ever made!!! I only hope the she does as well tonight and that last night wasn't just a fluke.

Kelly and I feel like a million bucks!!!!

Kelly decided to take this week off work with me. She was going to go back, but because we spent the entire first week in the hospital, and because I'm still in recovery mode, she wanted to be sure to be here with Bailey and me. I'm so happy that she decided to stay home. Not just because of my recovery, but because it's comforting to have someone else around to help me decode Bailey. Sometimes, it's just hard and I need the second person to help me keep it all in perspective. I'm glad she's here.

We are doing well at this parenting thing as partners. I've heard horror stories about how new babies drive a wedge sometimes between the parents. For Kelly and I, it's been just the opposite. We actively work to ensure that the other is very comfortable, that the other's needs are being met and that we are gentle with each other right now. We both expect that this is a huge transition...and we are right. Our relationship changes by the minute. In some ways, it's much stronger than ever, but in others, it's brand new. We entered this part not knowing what to expect, but knowing that whatever came, we'll always be strongest when we are allies and not enemies.

So, we're taking it easy on each other. No nitpicking. No "you should do it this way". No second guessing. As far as I'm concerned, I know that Kelly has Bailey's best interests in mind at all times. If she does something different than I do, so what?? She would never hurt her...never do anything that would put her in danger...therefore whatever she is doing differently is just different...not wrong. By being able to let go of all of that, we're able to not only enjoy Bailey right now, but to also enjoy each other.

And honestly, that kind of love and teamwork has made all the difference in these past couple of weeks.

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